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  • 5:30 pm Networking
  • 6:00 pm Meeting

A Query Tuner’s Practical Guide to Statistics

Have you ever heard that a huge difference in estimated vs actual number of rows can cause poor query performance? Ever wondered where SQL Server comes up with that “estimated number of rows” value in the first place?

The answer lies in SQL Server Statistics, which can be a very daunting if not dry subject matter. Come to this session for a practical guide to statistics for the T-SQL query writer and tuner. We will demystify statistics, the histogram, and how this impacts execution plan quality.

When you leave, you’ll have a strong understanding of the role statistics play in your execution plans, and how to dig deeper and tune those troublesome queries.

Andy Yun

Andy Yun is a Field Solutions Architect at Pure Storage, who has been with SQL Server for over 20 years as both a Database Developer and Administrator. He focuses on performance tuning, with expertise in T-SQL, storage engine internals, and monitoring. Andy strongly believes in passing knowledge onto others, regularly speaking at conferences and user groups, and mentoring industry colleagues. Andy is a former Microsoft MVP, co-founder of the Chicago SQL Association, and former co-leader of the Chicago Suburban User Group and Chicago SQL Saturday Organizing Committee.

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