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  • 5:30 pm Networking
  • 6:00 pm Meeting

How database security changes when moving to the cloud

The cloud is secure, right? So if we move our data to the cloud, we don’t need to worry about security, right?


No matter where your data is housed, security needs to be a top concern. Cloud providers like Azure and AWS provide security to a point, but it’s not complete. There’s still a lot that you, as a developer or DBA, must do. In this session, we’ll discuss the security concepts that apply to all database systems, and we’ll dive into how those concepts apply specifically to the cloud.

Ed Leighton-Dick

Ed Leighton-Dick is a Microsoft MVP, SQL Server performance and architecture specialist, and Founder/Principal Consultant of Kingfisher Technologies. He is a frequent volunteer with PASS, including roles as regional mentor, chapter leader of I-380 PASS SQL Server User Group, and organizer of SQLSaturday Iowa City. He can often be found teaching sessions at local, regional, and national events, including user groups, SQLSaturday, and PASS Summit. 

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