Event link at our Meetup page.

  • 5:30 pm Networking
  • 6:00 pm Meeting

Automatically Restore Availability Group Databases Using DBATools

Introduced in SQL Server 2012, Availability Groups (AG) provide high availability and disaster recovery.  One of the challenges when working with AGs is a database needs to be removed from the AG in order to be restored.  For a production system this is usually not a problem, but if you have a test AG environment it can become complicated.  Join me for this session to learn how to leverage the dbatools PowerShell module to remove databases from an AG, restore them from the most recent prod backup, and add them back to the AG.

Frank Gill

Frank Gill has worked with SQL Server for 16 years and has been involved in the SQL community for almost as long. Over the past 9 years, he has worked as a consultant and has focused on deploying and migrating SQL Server workloads to Azure. When not working with SQL Server, Frank loves baseball, live music, art museums, and hanging out with his wife and two cats.

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