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  • 5:30 pm Networking
  • 6:00 pm Meeting

How to Troubleshoot SQL Server CPU Problems

CPU is the workhorse of any SQL Server and Azure SQL. CPU handles not only core processing but also worker thread management and parallelism. And yet many of us don’t know the fundamentals beyond “SQL Server take cares of that for me”. So what happens to those CPUs when things go wrong? In this session, we’ll go deep into the internal behavior of SQL Server CPU, including the internal and external memory pressure, worker thread management, and how to troubleshoot CPU problems.

Kevin Kline

Kevin Kline is a noted database expert and software industry veteran. A 20-year Microsoft Data Platform MVP and noted community leader in the IT industry, Kevin is a founder and former president of the Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS.ORG), as well as the author of popular IT books including the bestseller “SQL in a Nutshell”. Kevin is a top-rated speaker at industry trade shows worldwide and has a monthly column at Database Trends & Applications magazine (DBTA.com). His product designs for database tools have won numerous awards at industry trade shows and from a variety of trade magazines. He is on social media as @kekline and blogs regularly.

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