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  • 5:30 pm Networking
  • 6:00 pm Meeting

10 Things You Might Have Forgotten About Query Tuning

Have you ever wondered why your SQL Server report queries feel like they should run faster – but don’t? Query performance is as much an art form as a science, but there are some easy wins you can take away to quickly get some performance in your custom queries, such as how to read an execution plan, implicit conversions, and more! Some of these tips might be new to you, and some you might have just forgotten over time, but all are useful so you can speed up your reports. Come learn from this technical session about ten major areas of query performance tuning that you might not know (or have forgotten).

David Klee

David Klee is a Microsoft MVP and VMware vExpert with a passion for the convergence of data, cloud, and infrastructure. David spends his days handling performance and HA/DR architecture of mission-critical SQL Servers as the Founder of Heraflux Technologies. His areas of expertise are virtualization and performance, datacenter architecture, and risk mitigation through high availability and disaster recovery. You can read his blog at davidklee.net, and reach him on Twitter at @kleegeek.

David speaks at a number of national and regional technology related events, including the PASS Summit, VMworld, IT/Dev Connections, SQL Saturday events, SQL Cruise, PASS virtual chapter webinars, and many SQL Server User Groups.

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